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Operator web portal

Company Name:  Peter Ližica PELI
Street:                 Jánošíkova 1520/34
City:                    941 11   Palárikovo
Country:               Slovakia
ID: 45406065      UID: 1081820212      VAT: SK-1081820212

Responsible person and contact
Peter Ližica, Pe-Li@outlook.sk

1) The registration

"We declare that the data are used only for identification purposes in the purchase and will not be disclosed to third parties or otherwise misused. Tendering e-mails will be sent more than once a month. Service Subscription E-mail can be revoked at any time in your account settings.

2) Adoption and execution of the order, purchase agreement

Order buyer's draft contract of sale and the purchase agreement is concluded the moment of delivery of the binding consent of the buyer and the seller with this proposal (binding confirmation of the order by the seller). From that moment between the buyer and the seller which mutual rights and obligations.
Purchase contract the buyer confirms that he is aware of these business conditions, including the conditions for complaints and that agrees with them. For these business conditions and the complaint procedure, the buyer is adequately performing the actual order and has the opportunity to become acquainted with them.
Seller reserves the right to cancel the order or its part before concluding the contract in the following cases: the goods are no longer produced or delivered or are significantly altered price goods supplied. In the event that this happens, the seller will immediately contact the buyer to agree on how to proceed. If the buyer has paid part or full amount of the purchase price, this amount will be transferred back to his account and to the purchase contract occurs.
All orders received this trade are binding. Orders can be canceled prior to dispatch. If the order is not canceled in time before delivery, and will be dispatched it may be required by the Client for the costs of dispatching the goods. Of the order you will automatically receive mail - e-mail. The details of each product in the order confirmation and the estimated delivery time for goods not in stock. For each item shown, whether the goods are in stock or not. If the goods are not in stock or stock of the supplier, we will notify you immediately about the next delivery date.
order cancellation
If you do cancel your order within 24 hours, we consider the order to be revoked. Cancellation can send e-mail or telephone. When canceling an order is required to enter your name or order number.

3) Types of transport common carriers:

personal collection
Orders can be picked up on the same day, provided that the merchandise is in stock. In other cases, we will inform you. Orders can be picked up "working time", except this time in agreement.
Product delivery service Zásielkovňa
Postage, unless otherwise indicated, is charged under the PRICE
In some particularly bulky, heavy or otherwise poorly transportable goods transport price can be increased. The price for transportation is displayed immediately after selecting modes of transport. Complaint shipment is possible only on receipt!
CAUTION! Unless the package is visibly damaged or if the violation of the protective tape to lodge a complaint directly with the carrier. For damages caused during the transport contractor bears responsibility.
The shipment is usually delivered to the second day of departure. To send the customer is informed by e-mail.

4) Warranty

In the package you will always find a tax receipt. The warranty period begins on the date of the document. The warranty period is given for each product in the Product Details. In doubtful cases it may be extended warranty period of 5 (five words) days as compensation for the time of transport.

5) Conflict with the contract - general information

In the event that the matter on receipt by the buyer is not in conformity with the contract (hereinafter referred to as "conflict with the contract"), the buyer has the right to the seller free of charge and without undue delay, said the state corresponding purchase contract, according to requirements by exchanging the buyer, or its correction; unless such a procedure is not possible, the buyer may request a reasonable discount from the price of things or withdraw from the contract. This does not apply if the buyer before the takeover matters concerning conflict with the contract knew or conflict with the contract itself caused. Conflict with the contract which becomes apparent within six months after receiving the case shall be deemed to have inconsistency in its takeover, if it does not contradict the nature of the case or unless proven otherwise.
To provide product warranty for two years.

6) The consumer's right to cancel the contract

If the sales contract concluded by means of distance communication (E-Commerce), the consumer is entitled to cancel the contract within 14 days of receipt of goods. In this case, the consumer contacted the seller and preferably in writing indicating that it was withdrawing from the contract, stating the order number, purchase date and account number for a refund. Withdrawal must be received by the last day 14 day period. In specific cases it may be, having regard to the circumstances of prolonged refund period, but not longer than 30 days from delivery.
This provision can not be seen as complimentary to rent goods. Consumer in case of using the right of withdrawal within 14 days of receipt of performance, the contractor must issue all that a purchase contract was awarded. If it is not well possible (eg. In the meantime the goods were destroyed or damaged), the consumer must provide monetary compensation in exchange of what can no longer be issued. If returned goods is only partially damaged, the seller may pursue the consumer's right to compensation and set off his claim on the purchase price refunded. The seller in this case is required to prove the damage caused. The seller to the consumer in this case only returns thus a reduced purchase price.
The purchase price to be refunded to the buyer, the seller in addition to set off their actually incurred costs of returning the goods (transport costs, etc.).

The right of withdrawal the consumer is in the contracts:
- To provide services if their performance was with his consent commenced before the expiry of 14 days from receipt of performance,
- The supply of goods or services whose price depends on fluctuations of financial markets beyond the will of the seller.
- The supply of goods adjusted as desired buyer
- For the supply of computer programs, if the buyer violates their original packaging,

7) Shipping and Delivery

All shipments follow up to their arrival, so we try to prevent problems that arise when delivering.

What to do when returning the goods:
Prepare shipment as described below.
Goods that will be sent back to the address as described below send you the chosen carrier.

How to prepare the shipment:
The shipment must be complete (including accessories and all documentation) and in the state in which you took it upon delivery. The goods attach proof of purchase. Please always use brown paper or cardboard, so that it can not occur during transport Taping, described or other deterioration of the original package. Do not send goods on delivery, we recommend you insure the goods. Money will be refunded to the bank account and it usually within 3 working days of receipt of shipment. In the case of returning the goods will be deducted from the transportation costs (except for complaint!).

8) methods of payment

All methods can be selected before choosing a service. All payment methods are included in the price of transport.
- Payment in advance - when selecting this option, you will receive a list of all backup data for payment. We will dispatch the goods after receiving the payment to a bank account
- Personal collection - paid in cash upon personal collection.

9) Claim

If the goods you received is damaged or defective, follow the claims procedure. Returns due to termination of the contract described in paragraph 6 hereof.

10) Complaints procedure

The products subject to the right of the claim must be submitted for consideration immediately after detecting defects must be clean and with proper documents and description of the defect or defects identified place.

How to proceed:
In case of a complaint, send email describing the errors digitalnevlaciky@mail.telekom.sk. The preferred procedure is to forward the complaint to address product - Peter Ližica, Jánošíkova 34, 94111 Palárikovo. The shipment must be complete (including accessories and all documentation) and in the state in which you took it upon delivery. The goods attach proof of purchase. Do not send goods on delivery, in which case the goods taken is not. We recommend you to insure the goods. The goods must be properly packaged for transport, so as not to further any damage. Seller is not responsible for damages resulting from the operation of products, functional properties and damage from improper use of products as well as damage caused by external events and incorrect handling. Defects of this nature is not covered by the warranty. If the manufacturer provides a warranty longer is listed in the product catalog. The rejected claims may be charged the cost of the complaint procedure and handling fees. The settlement of the claim will be informed by e-mail. As well as on delivery orders you will be informed about the dispatch of the package and the date of delivery.

Thank you for the time you spend reading the terms and conditions.
Your "digitálne vláčiky sk"
Terms and conditions are valid from 1. 1.2016 to appeal.
Information for buyers: in case of changes in business conditions are valid terms and conditions that were in force on the date of purchase.