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Lighting end of wagons Y/B TT


New product

  • designed for LED lighting wagon Y / B 70 Tillig and Kuehn (TT 1/120)
  • unsuitable for other types of lighting (may be destroyed LEDs)

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1,60 € tax incl.

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designed for LED lighting wagon Y / B 70 Tillig and Kuehn (TT 1/120)  WL120B1 ,  WL120B2 , WL120B3

unsuitable for other types of lighting (may be destroyed LEDs)

Dimensions:          19mm x 18mm x 1,4mm
Color :              black
LED Colour :         red
Power supply :       1,6V - 2,4V
Consumption : max.20mA
orking temperature : 5 - 50 °C
Type of lighting :    LED SMD



Koncové Led

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Lighting end of wagons  Y/B TT

Lighting end of wagons Y/B TT

  • designed for LED lighting wagon Y / B 70 Tillig and Kuehn (TT 1/120)
  • unsuitable for other types of lighting (may be destroyed LEDs)